Indoor Air Quality: Air Purifier and Home Humidifier Solutions
Air Quality Matters
When you think of clean air, you probably think about outdoor air quality, but the air inside your home is just as important, if not more. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor pollution is just as dangerous. There are as many as five times the air pollutants indoors, and sometimes as many as one hundred times.
Common sources of indoor air pollution include:
- Organic matter
- Outdoor pollution seeping in
- Building materials
Cahill Cares
At Cahill Heating, Cooling, Electric, Plumbing & Sewer, your health, and safety are our top priorities. We offer a full line of air cleaning products and a host of services to help keep your home or business circulating clean air. Ask our knowledgeable technicians about how we can help purify your home or business today. Call now at (847) 367-4492 or fill out the contact form.