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4 Reasons Why Your HVAC Unit is Overheating

An air conditioner connected wires and a hose

When your HVAC system overheats, it runs for a few minutes then trips the circuit breaker. The system will continue tripping the circuit breaker until you fix the problem. No one wants an overheating HVAC system. But, it is common, especially during summer. Here are four common causes of overheating in HVAC systems.

Dirty Condenser Coils

The outdoor unit of your HVAC system is the condenser. Condenser coils are tubes that run through the condenser, and they contain refrigerant. The coils collect heat from the inside of your home and release it into the outside air. These heat-dissipating coils can get very dirty. When this happens, the coils will not release all the heat they have collected. This is because of the grime caked onto the coils. Thus, to achieve your desired temperature, the HVAC system will have to work extra hard. This can cause your HVAC unit to overheat.

Your Unit is Old

The average lifespan of an HVAC system is between 15 to 20 years. Although an installed HVAC will last long, it won’t last forever. Also, older HVAC systems’ models don’t have the same features and upgrades as the newer ones. Thus, it is crucial to know the model and age of your HVAC unit. As it reaches the end of its life span, its components may wear out, causing it to overheat. So, consider replacing your HVAC unit if it has been operating for over a decade.

Low Refrigerant Levels

If your air conditioner doesn’t have enough refrigerant, it cannot cool down your home . This is because it needs enough refrigerant to transfer the heat from your home. So your AC will need to work harder to keep your home cool. That can make several components to overheat.

Clogged Air Filter

The filter in your HVAC system prevents dust and debris from entering the system. If dust and debris enter the HVAC system, it can make the system inefficient. If the air filter becomes filled with dust and debris, your HVAC system will not release enough air. When the HVAC system lacks adequate airflow, it must work harder to regulate the air. This puts a strain on your HVAC system and causes it to overheat, trip the circuit breaker, or break down. Thus, check your air filter monthly to make sure it is not packed with dirt and debris.

As a homeowner, you need to protect your air conditioner from overheating. Be sure to change your filter every month and schedule an HVAC tune-up before the cooling season. A fresh filter will prevent the buildup of dirt and dust in your HVAC system. A tune-up will help you check for all the issues listed above and many more. For more information about your HVAC system, contact us today.

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