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5 Benefits of Duct Cleaning

Family With Clean Air

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. The same is true for your home heating and cooling system, including its ducts. You should have your system’s air ducts inspected and cleaned every three to five years. If you have pets, you may need to have it done more often. Understanding the advantages of duct cleaning can help you appreciate the importance of this maintenance. Here are five benefits that you can experience with regular duct cleaning.

Benefit #1 – Improves HVAC Efficiency

When dust and debris builds up in your ducts, it restricts the airflow that your HVAC system needs to work. Your furnace and air conditioner will need to work harder to make your home comfortable. They will use more energy to do so. A professional cleaning will keep your HVAC system working at peak efficiency.

Benefit #2 – Helps Keep Your Home Cleaner

A professional cleaning removes dust from your ductwork. Otherwise, it would continue to recirculate in the air in your home. Having your ducts cleaned can reduce the amount of cleaning you need to do to maintain a clean and healthy home.

Benefit #3 – Reduces Irritating Allergens and Contaminants

If you have respiratory issues like asthma, allergies, or COPD, having clean ducts is vital. Periodic cleaning helps to reduce the amount of contaminants in the air. Common contaminants include pollen, pet dander, dust mites, mold, mildew, and bacteria. These contaminants can make respiratory symptoms worse.

Benefit #4 – Makes Indoor Air Healthier

Indoor air quality is something that everyone should focus on. It is not healthy to breathe in dust and other contaminants. A thorough cleaning helps improve air quality. It makes the air in your home healthier and creates a comfortable environment for all.

Benefit #5 – Keeps Air Fresh

Stale air is a sign that it is time for a professional duct cleaning. Odors from cooking, pets, VOCs, mold, and cleaning chemicals can settle in the air ducts. These odors recirculate throughout your home each time air blows through your ductwork. Cleaning removes the smelly build-up and provides a fresher smelling home.

Call Us Today

Duct cleaning is a job for an experienced HVAC professional. It is also an essential part of maintaining your home’s heating and cooling system. Contact Cahill Heating, Cooling, Electric, Plumbing & Sewer for more information. Start breathing easier in the comfort of your home.

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